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EFCC-International Church

A cross-cultural Christian Community

not without hurts or hardship

but a people of HOPE

 with GOD as our HELPER and HEALER

EFCC-IC is a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of China, one of several English speaking congregations among 50+ Evangelical Free Churches in Hong Kong.  The Evangelical Free Church of China was first planted in 1887 in China by missionaries from the Evangelical Free Church of America, and moved her base to Hong Kong after the Second World War.


We were founded in 1991 through the vision and encouragement of the Evangelical Free Church of China - Tai Koo Shing Church.  Pastor Charles Crabtree, an American missionary, served as the first pastor.


In November 1994, we called our first full-time pastor, Pastor Paul E Snuffer, who began his ministry in February 1995. We became an independent member of EFCC in 1996 and has since planted an English speaking church in Discovery Bay, Discovery Bay International Community Church, which is also an independent member of EFCC now.


On Pastor Snuffer’s departure, Pastor David J Magee served as pastor from 1998 to 2008.  During his time, we moved our worship services to the current location at Lingnan Secondary School, nurtured a strong mission focus and planted a Cantonese speaking church - Joyous Grace.


Rev. Dr. Barry Davis began serving as Senior Pastor in February 2010.  Pastor Barry had ten-plus years of experience in the business world, primarily in the aerospace industry, before entering full-time ministry. Prior to EFCC-IC he was an Associate Professor at Multnomah Biblical Seminary. Pastor Barry continued to build the church and saw Joyous Grace through to become an independent member of EFCC. Upon his retirement in 2016, an Elder stood as interim pastor.


Vincent Kan, a member since the church began and a longtime Elder, was pastor from February 2016 to September 2021.


In October 2021, Pastor KK Ip joined the church as Senior Pastor.

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